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Making the Renaissance Manuscript


Hybrid book of letters of Poliziano, Symmachus, and Laudivio


This printed collection of letters by the Florentine philologist and poet Agnolo Ambrogini, known as Poliziano (1454–94), has been supplemented with hand-copied writings by him and his friends. This multipart book or sammelband was assembled in Germany, demonstrating the far reach of the humanist epistolary style in Northern Europe. The printed text of the first half of the volume was published in Antwerp in 1514 by Dirk Martens, the Flemish editor of Erasmus and Thomas More. It consists of Poliziano’s exemplary Latin letters to humanist prelates and leaders, including the Florentine rulers Lorenzo and Piero de’ Medici, the philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, the Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza, the printer Aldus Manutius, and Pope Innocent VIII. Following the printed text are manuscript versions of seventeen letters sent to Poliziano or exchanged among his friends. The manuscript section also includes two orations by Poliziano.


Author: Agnolo Ambrogini


ca. 1511–14


Printed book on paper, 208 fols.


University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1591


Germany (?)


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Author: Agnolo Ambrogini, “Hybrid book of letters of Poliziano, Symmachus, and Laudivio,” Making the Renaissance Manuscript, accessed March 14, 2025,

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