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Making the Renaissance Manuscript


Questiones logicales (Logical Questions) and other Aristotelian works


Though the Florentine Academy insisted on the primacy of Platonic thought, translations and commentaries on Aristotle remained the norm across Europe. By the turn of the sixteenth century, new versions of these scholarly apparatuses were being produced. This manuscript demonstrates the migration of new humanist approaches to Aristotle to communities north of the Alps, and their impact not just on the field of logic but in the theoretical sciences as well. The bulk of the manuscript is taken up by short tracts: logical and moral, and short summaries related to Aristotle’s logical works, Categories, and Posterior Analytics. These are briefly interrupted by a short recapitulation of the Pythagorean theorem. The final quarter of the manuscript consists of several works on Aristotle’s Physics. The first three are commentaries by a certain Antoine Charpentier on the Physics and on the introduction to that text by the French theologian Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (ca. 1455–1536).


Author: Aristotle


ca. 1510


Manuscript on paper; 206 fols.


University of Pennsylvania, Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection, LJS 223




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Author: Aristotle, “Questiones logicales (Logical Questions) and other Aristotelian works,” Making the Renaissance Manuscript, accessed February 16, 2025,

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