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Making the Renaissance Manuscript


Epistolae (Epistles); Ars Poetica (Art of Poetry); Satires, Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare (Song of the Ages)


Horace’s Ars poetica (Art of Poetry) became a foundational text for Renaissance poetics and prompted numerous responses. Petrarch addressed a letter to the ancient author in the form of an Ode and felt a strong attachment to the Roman poet’s simplicity of life and love of friendship. The inhabited initial P shows a Roman soldier seated between a tree and the base of a column, which has been attributed to the anonymous Venetian illuminator known as the Master of the Putti. The precise dating of this illuminator’s work allows for a fairly precise estimated date of production for the book as a whole. On the same page, in the lower margin, is the coat of arms of the Tirelta or Tiretta family of Treviso.


Author: Horace


ca. 1471–73


Manuscript on parchment, 132 fols.


The Free Library of Philadelphia, Horace MS 2


Venice, Italy


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Author: Horace, “Epistolae (Epistles); Ars Poetica (Art of Poetry); Satires, Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare (Song of the Ages),” Making the Renaissance Manuscript, accessed March 14, 2025,

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